
CTM 海外升學中心(前身為通濟隆海外升學中心有限公司)於2013年4月成立,為Corporate Travel Management 旗下品牌。本中心主要為學生及家長提供海外升學敎育資詢服務,透過專業的規劃及評估下協助學生選擇適合的海外院校及課程。



關於Corporate Travel Management (CTM)

CTM is an award-winning provider of innovative and cost-effective travel management solutions to the corporate market. Its proven business strategy combines personalised service excellence with client facing technology solutions to deliver a return on investment to clients. Headquartered in Australia, the company provides local services solutions to clients across the globe.

詳情請瀏覽: Travelctm.asia